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Spanish | English |
Autopista | Highway |
Cedula verde | Vehicle registration papers |
Cedula azul Blue Card | Identification allowing a driver to drive a vehicle which is not registered in their name |
Cinturon de seguridad | Seat belt |
controles policiales | police checkpoints |
Comprobrante de pago de la Patente | Proof of payment of road tax |
Estacionamiento | Parking |
Incidente de transito | Traffic incident |
Infracción de transito | Traffic violation |
Internacional de traducción de permiso de conducir | International translation of driving permit |
Internacional de traducción de la licencia de conducir | International translation of driver license |
licencia de conducir | driver license |
Licencia de conducir internacional | International driver license |
Licencia de conducir internacional | International driving permit |
Limite de velicidad/velocidad maxima | Speed limit |
Matafuegos | Fire extinguisher |
Nafta | Fuel |
Normas de transito | Traffic rules |
PARE | Stop |
Paso | Mountain pass |
permiso de conducir | driving permit |
permitir | permit |
Porteños | Buenos Aires residents |
Responsabilidad Civil | Civil Liability |
Ruta | Paved unlit two lane road |
Seguro del automovil | Car insurance |
Señales de transito | Traffic signals |
Verificación Técnica Obligatoria o Vehicular Vehicle's | Certificate of Technical Approval |