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Each Contracting State shall take appropriate measures to ensure the observ-ance of the rules set out in this chapter.
Every driver, pedestrian or other road user shall conduct himself in such a way as not to endanger or obstruct traffic; lie shall avoid all behaviour that might cause damage to persons, or public or private property.
1. Every vehicle or combination of vehicles proceeding as a unit shall have a driver.
2. Draught, pack or saddle animals have & driver, and cattle shall be
accompanied, except in special areas which shall be marked at the points of entry.
3. Convoys of vehicles and animals shall have the number of drivers prescribed by domestic regulations.
4. Convoys shall, if necessary, be di-vided into sections of moderate length, and be sufficiently spaced out for the convenience of traffic. This provision does not apply to regions where migration of nomads occurs.
5. Dxivers shall, at all times. Be able to control their vehicles or guide their animals. When approaching other road users, they shall take such precautions as may be required for the safety of the latter.
1. All vehicular traffic proceeding in the same direction on any road shall keep to the same side of the road, which shall be uniform in each country for all roads. Domestic regulations concerning one-way traffic shall not be affected.
2. As a general rule and whenever the provisions of article 7 so require, every driver shall:
(?) On two-lane carriageways intended for two-way traffic, keep his vehicle in the lane appropriate to the direction in which he is travelling;
(?) On carriageways with more than two lanes, keep his vehicle in the lane nearest to the edge of the carriage way appropriate to the direction in which he is travelling.
3. Animals shall be kept as near as possible to the edge of the road in accordance with domestic regulations.
The driver of a vehicle shall at all times have its speed under control and shall drive in a reasonable and prudent manner. He shall slow down or stop -whenever circumstances so require, and particularly when visibility is not good.
1. Drivers when meeting or being over-taken shall keep as close as practicable to the edge of the carriageway on the side appropriate to the direction in which they are travelling. In overtaking, a driver shall pass on the left or the right of the overtaken vehicle or animal according to the rule observed in the country concerned. These rules shall not necessarily apply in the case of tramcars, trains on roads, and certain mountain roads.
2. On the approach of any vehicle or accompanied animal, drivers shall:
(a) When meeting, leave sufficient space for the vehicle or accompanied animal coming from the opposite direction ;
(b) When being overtaken, keep as close as practicable to the appropriate edge of the carriageway and not accelerate.
3. Drivers intending to overtake shall make sure that there is sufficient room and sufficient visibility ahead to permit overtaking without danger. After over-taking they shall bring their vehicles back to the right or left hand side according to the rule observed in the country concerned, but only after making sure that this will not inconvenience the vehicle, pedestrian or animal overtaken.
1. Every driver approaching a fork, crossroad, road junction or level-crossing shall take special precautions to avoid accidents.
2. Priority of passage may be accorded at intersections on certain roads or sections of load. Such priority shall be marked by signs and every driver approaching such a road or section of road shall be bound to yield the right of way to drivers travelling along it.
3. The provisions of annex 2 regarding the priority of passage at intersections not covered by paragraph 2 of this article shall be applied by the States bound by the said annex.
4. Every driver before starting to turn into a road shall:
(a) Make sure that he can do so without danger to other road users;
( b) Give adequate notice of his intention to turn;
(c) Move over as far as practicable to the edge of the carriageway on the side appropriate to the direction in which he is travelling if he wishes to turn off the road on that side;
(d) Move as near as practicable towards the middle of the carriageway if he wishes to leave the road and turn to the other side, except as provided for in paragraph 2 of article 16;
(e) In no case hamper the traffic coming from the opposite direction.
1. Stationary vehicles or animals shall be kept off the carriageway if feasible, or, if not, as close as practicable to the edge of the carriageway. Drivers shall not leave vehicles or animals until they have taken all necessary precautions to avoid an accident.
2. Vehicles and animals shall not be left waiting where they are likely to cause danger or obstruction, and in particular at or near a road intersection, a bend or the top of a hill.
All necessary precautions shall be taken to ensure that the load of a vehicle shall not be a cause of damage or danger.
1. From nightfall and during the night, or when atmospheric conditions render it necessary, every vehicle or combination of vehicles on a road shall show at least one white light in front and at least one red light in the rear.
When a vehicle, other than a cycle or a motorcycle without sidecar, is provided with only one white light in front, this shall be placed on the side nearest to traffic coming from the opposite direction.
In countries where two white front lights are obligatory, such lights shall be placed one on the right and one on the left of the vehicle.
The red light may be produced either by a device distinct from that which produces the white light or lights in front or by the same device when the vehicle is short enough and so arranged as to permit this.
2. In no case shall a vehicle have a red light or a red reflector directed to die front or a white light or a white reflector directed to the rear. This provision shall not apply to a white or yellow reversing light in cases where the domestic legislation of the country of registration of the vehicle permits such lights.
3. Lights and reflex reflectors shall be such as to ensure that the vehicle is clearly indicated to other road users.
4. Any Contracting State or subdivision thereof may, provided that all measures are taken to guarantee normal conditions of safety, exempt from certain provisions of this article:
(a) Vehicles used for special purposes or under special conditions;
(b) Vehicles of special shape and kind;
(c) Stationary vehicles on adequately lighted roads.
1. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to trolley-buses.
2. (a) Cyclists shall use cycle tracks where there is an obligation to do so indicated by an appropriate sign, or where such obligation is imposed by domestic regulations;
(b) Cyclists shall proceed in single file where circumstances so require and, except in special cases provided for in domestic regulations, shall never proceed
more than two abreast on the carriageway;
(c) Cyclists shall not be towed by vehicles;
(d) The provisions of paragraph 4 (d) of article 12 shall not apply to cyclists where domestic regulations provide otherwise.