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English | Slovenian |
automatic motorway tolling | Avtomatsko Brezgotovinsko Cestninjenje |
before the | pred |
border pass | mejni prehod |
bus | avtobus |
bus station | avtobusna postaja |
Can I get insurance? | Se lahko zavarujem? |
Can I just pay a fine now? | Ali lahko zdaj placam globo? |
Can you show me on the map? | Mi lahko pokažete na zemljevidu/nacrtu? |
Can I use your phone? | Lahko uporabim vaš telefon? |
customs | carina |
danger | nevarnost |
detour | obvoz |
diesel | diesel/dizelsko gorivo |
driver | voznik |
driver licence | vozniško dovoljenje |
driving permit | vozniškega dovoljenja |
downhill | navzdol |
east | vzhod |
exit | izhod |
gas (petrol) station | bencinska crpalka |
green | zelena |
Help! | Na pomoc! |
How do I get to _____ ? | Kako pridem do _____ ? |
How do I get to the train station? | Kako pridem do železniške postaje? |
How do I get to the bus station? | Kako pridem do avtobusne postaje? |
How do I get to the airport? | Kako pridem na letališce? |
How do I get downtown? | Kako pridem do centra? |
How do I get to the _____ hotel? | Kako pridem do hotela _____? |
fee | kazen |
filling station | polnjenje station |
I want to rent a car. | Rad bi najel avto. |
I'm lost. | Izgubil sem se. |
I need your help. | Potrebujem vašo pomoc. |
intersection | križišce |
International driver license | Mednarodni voznik dovoljenje |
International driving permit | Mednarodno vozniško dovoljenje |
I want to talk to a lawyer. | Hocem govoriti s svojim odvetnikom. |
I'll call the police. | Poklical bom policijo. |
left | levo |
north | sever |
no parking | parkiranje prepovedano |
one way | enosmerna cesta |
past the | mimo |
pavement | plocnik |
pedestrian | pešec |
petrol | petrol/bencin |
Police! | Policija! |
prohibited | prepovedani |
red | rdeca |
right | desno |
right of way | pravica do poti |
road | cesta |
road works | cesti |
speed limit | omejitev hitrosti |
slow | slow |
south | jug |
square | trg |
straight ahead | naravnost |
street | cesta/ulica |
Thank you. | Hvala. |
toll fee | cestnina |
toll station | cestninska postaja |
train | vlak |
traffic lights | semafor |
traffic police | prometna policija |
traffic sign | prometni znak |
train station | železniška postaja |
towards the | proti |
Turn left. | Zavijte levo. |
Turn right. | Zavijte desno. |
undertaking | prehitevanje |
uphill | navzgor |
Watch for the | Bodite pozorni na |
west | zahod |
yellow | rumena |
yield | nimaš prednosti |