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Certificado Internacional para Automóviles
International Automobile Certificate
Certificado Internacional para Automóveis
Certificat International Pour Automobiles
(Tamaño del carnet impreso: 14.5 x 8.5 cm)
(Size of form when printed: 5 3/4" x 3 3/8")
(Tamanho do modelo impresso: 14.5 x 8.5 cm)
(Grandeur du format imprimé : 14.5 x 8.5 cm)
La validez de este certificado será reconocida por todas las autoridades con atribuciones para reglamentar el registro de vehículos en los países siguientes, a excepción del país que lo expida:
The validity of this certificate shall be recognized by all officials having regulatory powers over the registration of motor vehicles in the following countries, with the exception of the country in which issued:
A validez dêste certificado será reconhecida por todas as autoridades que tenham atribuições para a regulamentação do registro de veículos nos seguintes países, com exceção do país que o expedir:
La validité du présent certificat sera reconnue par toutes les autorités ayant les attributions nécessaires pour l'immatriculation des véhicules automobiles dans les pays suivants, à l'exception du pays dans lequel il est délivré:
Argentina Honduras
Bolivia México
Brasil Nicaragua
Colombia Panama
Costa nica Paraguay
Cuba Perú
Chile República Dominicana
Ecuador United States of America
El Salvador Uruguay
Guatemala Venezuela
(Ráyense los nombres de los países que aún no hayan ratificado la Convención cuando se expida el certificado).
(Draw lines through names of countries which have not ratified the Convention at time of issue.)
(Risqueinse os nomes dos países que ainda nao tenham ratificado a Convenção até o momento da expedição do certificado.)
(Rayer les noms des pays qui n’ont pas encore ratifié la Convention au moment de la Délivrance du certificat.)
Issued in accordance with the provisions of the Convention on the Regulation of Inter-American Automotive Traffic signed at Washington, D. C., U. S. A., in 1943.
Issued by _________________________________________________
At _______________________________________________________
Date _____________________________________________________
Signature (*) _______________________________________________
Number ___________________________________________________
(*) Signature of Authority or signature of Association empowered by the Authority, and “visa” of the latter.
Good for one year from date of issue.
Surname: __________________________________
Owner or Holder Other names:________________________________
Home address:______________________________
Class of vehicle: ______________________________________________
Name of maker of chassis: ______________________________________
Type of chassis: ______________________________________________
Serial number of typo or maker’s number of chassis:__________________
Number of cylinders: ________________________________
Engine number: ____________________________________
Engine Stroke: ___________________________________________
Bore: ____________________________________________
Horse power:_______________________________________
Body Color: _____________________________________________
Number of seats:____________________________________
Weight of vehicle without load (in kilos):______________________________
Weight of vehicle fully loaded (in kilos) if exceeding 3,500 kilos:___________
Identification marks on plates:______________________________________
(La visa de entrada debe contener los siguientes datos: país, lugar, fecha, firma y sello de la autoridad que otorga la visa.)
(The entrance visa should contain the following data: country, place, date, signature and seal of the authority granting the visa.)
(O visto de entrada deverá conter os seguintes dados: país, lugar data, assinatura e sêlo da autoridade que deu o visto).
(Le visa d’entree doit contenir les données suivantes: pays, lieu, date, signature et sceau de l’autorité qui accorde le visa.)