Dimentions: 105x148 mm
Colours: cover: grey
Pages: white

Pages 1 and 2 shall be drawn up in the national language or languages.
The entire last page shall be drawn up in French.
Additional pages of the International Driving Permit shall repeat in other languages the text of part I of the last page. They shall be drawn up in the following languages:
(a)    Language(s) prescribed by the legislation of the issuing State,
(b)    The official languages of the United Nations,
(c)    At the most six other languages, chosen at the discretion of the issuing State.
The authoritative translation of the text of the permit in the different languages shall be communicated to the Secretary-General of the United Nations by Governments, each one in the language which concerns it.
The written remarks shall be written in Latin characters or in socalled English script.


International Driving Permit - Sample Convention Road Traffic 1949

Bookle sample: International driver license - Convetion of road traffic 1949

    Pic.1. Sample of International Translation  of driving permit  (Convention of road traffic 1949)

Apply For International Driver License Online 

 Convention of Road Traffic signed at Geneva September, 19 1949 (English)