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English | Romanian |
accident | accident |
bus station | statia de autobuz |
Can I use your phone? | Pot sa folosesc telefonul dumneavoastra? / Pot sa folosesc telefonul tau? |
Can I get insurance? | Pot obtine asigurare? |
car park | parcare |
detour | ocolire |
driver license | permis de conducere |
diesel | motorina |
driving permit | permis de conducere |
downhill | jos |
downtown | centrul orasulu |
to drive | a conduce |
dual carriageway | carosabil pe doua sensur |
east | est |
How do I get to _____ ? | Cum ajung la _____ ? |
gas (petrol) station | statie de benzina |
I'm lost. | Sunt ratacit. |
I need your help. | Am nevoie de ajutorul dumneavoastra/ Am nevoie de ajutor tau. |
insurance | asigurare |
International driver license | permis de conducere international |
International driving permit | permis de conducere international |
International translation of driving permit | traducere international de permis de conducere |
International translation of driver license | traducere internationala a permisului de conducere |
I'll call the police. | Sun politia. |
intersection | intersectie |
I want to rent a car. | As dori sa închiriez o masina. |
left | stânga |
motorway | autostrada |
multi-storey carpark | parcare supraetajata |
no parking (allowed) | parcarea interzisa |
north | nord |
one way | sens unic |
to park | a parca |
permit | permite |
petrol | benzina |
Police | Politia |
right | dreapta |
toll road | drum cu taxa |
towards the _____ | spre _____ |
speed limit | viteza maxima |
straight ahead | drept înainte |
stop (on a street sign) | Stop |
south | sug |
train station | gara |
turn left | Întoarceti la stânga. |
turn right | Întoarceti la dreapta. |
underground parking | parcare subterana |
uphill | sus |
west | vest |
wheel clamp dispozitiv | pentru blocat rotile |
yield | cedeaza trecerea |